Resources for Parents

The edit…the best of research and experience


Children need a combination of firm, communicated boundaries and emotional responsiveness, being present and connected. So, connect before you redirect.

Resilience when the World seems to be turning upside-down

  • What your kids need most to be resilient in challenging times, is you.

  • Help your kids feel safe (be a safe harbor from which children can explore and to which they can return), seen (attend to what is going on inside of them- emotions, thoughts, etc.) and soothed. Strengthening secure attachment relationships builds resilience.

  • Focus on being really present to them, no matter how put together / how falling apart you may feel, at least 15-20 minutes a day.

  • Be honest with them about how hard it is right now to handle the challenges of their life and those around everything that is going on in the World.

  • Listening to them without distraction, playing, tuning in, sharing moments of silliness all build resilience by making the World events stress tolerable.

  • Have your resources in place for helping you feel safe, seen and soothed, so you can show up for your kids.

  • Do not back away from your discipline boundaries during the rough times. Those boundaries help your kids to feel safe.

    From my parent-child attachment research and from “The Power of Showing Up”, by Tina Payne Bryson

Self-Regulation, Executive Function and NeuroDevelopment

First Breathe

How to strengthen Self-Regulation

How the strengthen Executive Function